Sunshine Hunters
The Sunshine Hunter's Field Guide
Confidence is overrated!!

Confidence is overrated!!

To listen to when you feel trapped in your doubt

To anyone who wants to create something or start a new journey but feels like they lack the confidence to do so, I’m here to question whether it really is confidence that you’re lacking. Can we invite in a more community minded and humanity friendly vision for what a positive mindset looks like?

Book Referenced: Holding Change by adrienne maree brown

If you enjoyed this and would like to practice inviting in more curiosity, maybe this meditation I shared last week could be a good next step!

And, if you’d like to do more reading on this idea, check out this post from a couple years ago by the divinely talented


paradigm shifts
You don't need to be more confident
We’re constantly told to be more confident and to “fake it til we make it”. We are never encouraged to ask questions like: Does it make sense for any given being living in this bizzare and beautiful universe to be confident in themselves in the first place? Is the problem only that not enough people are confident or are there also problems with confiden…
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I’d love to hear about what you’re creating and dreaming up and stepping into these days, and what’s keeping you stuck or calling you forward.

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Sunshine Hunters
The Sunshine Hunter's Field Guide
voice memos from bed, the trail, and everywhere in between.